which jacquline wilson character are you.

everyone is a genius this isnt a hard quiz i like you all for trying and i hope you enjoy my quiz you can either be hetty feather,tracy beaker,jacquline wilson or lily alone.

i hope you enjoy my quiz and realise it does not matter who you are in the quiz because its just for fun and games i hope you get the character you wanted.

Created by: paige
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what do you like more.
  2. are you .
  3. what is your fav subject.
  4. what pet.
  5. if you had a problem at school who would you talk to.
  6. havent done your homework
  7. which name
  8. letter
  9. number
  10. colour

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Quiz topic: Which jacquline wilson character am I.