which is your power?

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What is your element? Comment rate good! Bye good luck buhgihgbhigghjvhvigvhgjjghvhvjghjgvjhgvvgjhghvjvghjhgjfghfjhjgfhgjfgfhjfjgfhgffgfhcgfhfgfhcffgghfcfhgffgcgfucgfugfucgfugfcucufggfcuugfcfgcufguc

Created by: ActionRaptor
  1. favorite colour?
  2. You was walking near your house, you look at your house when you see 3 bandits stealing your home!
  3. You are in the class and the others students are playing, one was playing of throw their erases in the air, then POW! The eraser hits you, the student say sorry but you know is a lie
  4. What is your favorite app?
  5. You know draw?
  6. Fav animal
  7. If you will have wings, what shape should be?
  8. You share food?
  9. Skip this
  10. Bye

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Quiz topic: Which is my power?
