which is your naruto boyfriend?

okay so i made this quiz because i was bored. so yeah.i put effort into this quiz.so be nice in the last question. there is 21 questions i think.i wasted mytime and effort so enjoy.

every question counts so be careful with what you pick. it took me about 1 hour minimum to do tis quiz. i hope you have fun and try not to get dissapointed with what you get. Hint: dont take this quiz if you dont like naruto, kiba, shikamaru, neji, sasuke, or gaara.

Created by: flora
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is your fav color?
  2. which of these guys do you perfer?
  3. so u r coming back from training and ur crush offers to walk you home. u..
  4. so he takes you home anyway and stops and u do 2 he grabs your hands and tells u dat he is in love with you. u..
  5. so u go 2 bed that night. what do u dream of?
  6. so for breakfast u go 2 the roman shop and find ur crush. u?
  7. who do u perfer?
  8. 1-if u ran away then he saw u and catched up fast.2- if u sat down he got up and came to sit next to u. he starts 2 ask u about yesterday. u..
  9. he suddently starts to run fast and u run after him what do u say 2 him when u catch up
  10. he stops and looks at you thoughtfuly. u?
  11. all of a sudden he leans and kisses u. u?
  12. all of a sudden he leans and kisses u. u?
  13. when he finished he peckes u and leaves. how do u feel?
  14. out of nowhere u feel a kiss. u?
  15. out of nowhere u feel a kiss. u?
  16. its choji. u?
  17. ur crush comes running bak and he asks u wat happend . wat do u say?
  18. ur crush finds out wat happend and kills choji. u?
  19. ok last question. did u like this quiz

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Quiz topic: Which is my naruto boyfriend?