which inside out character are you?

Everyone has a certain emotion they like to use to be themselves.but be proud anyways!I was actually felling pretty creative today!See who describes you in this quiz!

Wich emotion best describes YOU!?do you act mean sad happy sickor scared sometimes well "WE" will see about that and can be happy sad mad scared or sick for who we are!

Created by: lily
  1. Ok lets get serious who do you like best?
  2. what do you feel most?
  3. ok so uh what school do you go to?
  4. ok so favorite food?
  5. favorite color
  6. favorite thing to do
  7. is you were to dye your hair what would it be?
  8. phone
  9. ok so do you like brocoli?
  10. favorite type of music

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Quiz topic: Which inside out character am I?