Which infected are you in Left 4 Dead?

Left 4 dead is a 2008 game with multiple infected characters. In this quiz, you'll find out which one you are. This quiz chooses based off of the answers you chose, and how it thinks you are.

This quiz chooses between the Common infected, Spitter, Boomer, Hunter, Charger, Tank, or Witch. who are you, and which infected out of all of the ones i listed do you think fits you?

Created by: Jaxxie Romano
  1. First things first -- How do you feel about crowds?
  2. If you had bile thrown at you, how would it effect you?
  3. How do you feel your personality is?
  4. If you were the last person on earth, what would you do?
  5. What do you do in your freetime?
  6. Who do you want to get?
  7. Who do you NOT want to get?
  8. Who's your favorite survivor?
  9. Who's your least favorite survivor?
  10. That's it, thanks.

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Quiz topic: Which infected am I in Left 4 Dead?
