Which Indian cricketer are you ?

This quiz will help you to identify which Indian cricketer are you? This quiz is about Indian cricketers . You are which type of cricketer this quiz will help you to identify this.

You are going to be interesting while attempting this quiz. You will be happy after getting your results. You are lucky to attempt this quiz. You are amazing you will got a best cricketer.

Created by: Raghav
  1. 1. Which captain you are?
  2. What is your roll?
  3. What will you do if a player abuse you?
  4. What is the type of your balling
  5. What is your behaviour
  6. Which team you like most
  7. If your team is chasing in T20 and the score is 80/5 in front of the total of 160 and ten over are finished what will you do?
  8. Which award you want in IPL
  9. Which type of captain are you
  10. Which is your favourite number

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Quiz topic: Which Indian cricketer am I ?
