Which immortal are you?

This took me a horrifically long time to make. Idk why I still make quizzes tbh they always take so much longer than they’re worth. Oh well what’s done is done

Here it is, which immortal are you? Waiting for Ang to read the descriptions and be like wtf why did you write that but oh well. Can’t guarantee it’ll be accurate I’m so tired

Created by: Jack
  1. How would you describe your fashion?
  2. Do you like being the centre of attention?
  3. Which of these appeals to you most?
  4. Are you the sort of person to regularly drink wine with meals?
  5. Which of these describes you best?
  6. What are your thoughts on Ramsey’s Kitchen Nightmares?
  7. DONT READ THE ANSWERS think of a relationship trope. Ok you can read the answers now
  8. Pick a colour scheme
  9. Are the clothes you’re wearing right now capable of billowing in the wind?
  10. Are you good at doing neat winged eyeliner?

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Quiz topic: Which immortal am I?
