Which hyper person are you?????

Wheeeeee! I had soooooooo much sugar!*bounces off walls* Hi! I am hypergriff! Lots of people are hyper, but are you one of these super hyper people???????

Which one are you? The hyperest hippogriff on this planet? The caffiene hyped up Eva? Or are you obsessed with gummybears?Or maybe my crazy brother?Oo)

Created by: Hypergriff
  1. Aaaaa! A monster is attacking! What is it?
  2. Random!!!
  3. Plastic spoons!
  4. Do you like monkeys?
  5. What comes to your mind when I say hyper??????
  6. I am a hippogriff!00)
  7. What creature resembles you?
  8. Do you bounce off walls?
  9. Coffee with York candy
  10. Fart! Blatt!

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Quiz topic: Which hyper person am I?????