which hyena from the lion king are you? | Comments

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  • which hyena from the lion king are you?
    Your Result: you are Shenzi!

    You are a leader and the brains of your outfit. You love to joke and muck around, yet you usually keep your mind on the job. You are responsible but what you want comes first. You aren't usually clumsy but your surrounded by idiots! You don't like to be used by others and you'll let them know it! Like Shenzi you are a leader.

    you are Ed!
    you are Banzai!

    I'm not that much of a leader though. Nice quiz :)

  • Banzai,I do have a very short temper and can become very aggressive when messed with I always stand up for myself and my freedoms. I also find myself strong though too. Cool quiz mate.

  • Shenzi

    Nice quiz. I never even knew the hyenas had names...

  • Shenzi

  • I got Shenzi, too :D Lion King FTW


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