Which Hunger Games tribute are u?

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Take this quiz to find out which tribute you would be from the 74th "Hunger Games". Find out if you would be a career or one of the tributes from one of the other districts.

Please rate this quiz im looking forward to hearing ur feed back (this quiz took foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr to make so plz dont skip doing it its fun UwU.

Created by: Marge of The Hunger Games Fan page
(your link here more info)
  1. Someone you care about is called in the reaping what do you do?
  2. say your a tribute your on the tribute train and your fellow tribute is trying to win over your mentor what is your respons?
  3. What is your ideal wepon?
  4. You survied your interveiw with Ceasar Flickerman and your fellow tribute says there madly in love with you what do you do?
  5. What is your cornucopia bloodbath stradigy?
  6. What is your stratigy for the games?
  7. would you have allies?
  8. Its down to the last 10 tributes and you still ahve an allience do your break it or keep it?
  9. The game makers say that two tributes can win as long as their from the same district and the tribute from your district is still alive do you find them or just let it be?
  10. The game makers said that 2 tributes could win then they say only one tribute can be crowned victor what do you do?
  11. Last question did u like this quiz?

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