Which Hunger Games Character are you?

Are you fit for the HUnger Games? Well, Find out what Character your like most and The quiz of surrvival! Be sure to visit my site!Have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The step by step Huger Games quiz! Who will you be most like in the HUnger Games! Take THIS quiz! Hope you enjoy! Visit my site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: tsggt
When Will I Die Test
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. The gong goes off do you...
  2. The gong goes off!
  3. The Gong goes off!
  4. A storm is comming What do you do?
  5. Your being chased by wild dogs!
  6. Your starving! You see some berries! You didn't take the class on berries either what should you do?
  7. You see a dead bunny on the ground, it doesn't look like it's been there too long...
  8. You see an injured girl by a stream.
  9. Which weapon do you prefer?
  10. Which District?
  11. You have a deep cut on your cheek its bleeding rapidly.
  12. Your ally has just turned against you. He has your pinned to the ground.

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Quiz topic: Which Hunger Games Character am I?