Which Hogwarts teacher are you?

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Guess what... This is another "Which Harry Potter character are you?" quiz but this time it is "Which Hogwarts teacher are you?". Hope you like it! :)

You have only ten questions to answer (the last one has no effect to your result btw) & you have 11 possible results. The possible results are: SEVERUS SNAPE, Minevra McGonagall, Flilius Flitwck, Horace Slughorn, Pomona Sprout, Sybill Trelawney, Rubeus Hagrid, Remus Lupin, Dolores Umbridge.

Created by: Severus Snape7
  1. What subject would you like to teach?
  2. Would you be loyal to your students no matter what?
  3. Do you like teaching?
  4. What is your Hogwarts House?
  5. What would you like your office to look like?
  6. Do you think Dumbledore is the perfect headmaster of Hogwarts?
  7. Choose a word that describes you the best:
  8. Is it hard for you to admit your mistakes?
  9. Why would you teach?
  10. Any ideas what will your result be?

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Quiz topic: Which Hogwarts teacher am I?
