Which Hogwarts house do you belong to??

This quiz is just for fun! I didn’t know what to do with my life so i made it. I’m sorry if there is any misspelling i’m not a eanglish speaker. I hope you will be happy with hose that you get.

For some reason i have to write two paragraphs of explaining what this quiz is abaout. I don’t know what to tell you guys it is abaout Harry Potter and which Hogwarts house you belong to.

Created by: Dorotea Mauko
  1. You arrived at Hogvarts it is your first time here, what is your top priority?
  2. One of the students in a different house doesn’t like you. They constantly speak badly about you behind your back.What are you going to do?
  3. It is dead of a night everybody should be asleep. But you rilase that one of the students is out of bed probbably sniking araund the castle . What will you do?
  4. You just find out that you have a hidden power that nobody else seems to have. What will you do?
  5. Now which power would you like to have?
  6. which mystical being are you most interested in?
  7. Someone attacked you, what is the first spell you are thinking about cassting?
  8. Chose a pet you whuld like to have.
  9. What gives you comfort?
  10. What is you biggest fear?
  11. Do you ever ask for help?
  12. Who you can rellay on most?
  13. What relaxes you tho most?
  14. Whuld you ever join the dark side?
  15. Would your friend discrebe you as…

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Quiz topic: Which Hogwarts house do I belong to??
