Which Hogwarts House are you REALLY in?????

So....ummm.... OH YEAH!! This is about which House you are in and I know there are a buncha quizzes like this but I hope you find this really tells you something about.. well...you!

And also I was reeeeeaaaalllllllyyyyyy hoping for some awesssssoooooommmeee comments on this and a like if you can even do that on this site.... I am not completely sure...

Created by: glitterbuttlover
  1. If someone accuses you of something what is your first reaction?
  2. What do you do when assigned H.W. due in a week?
  3. What would you do if a girl or boy came up and asked you to a dance but they are not hot/cute?
  4. Which of these pets would you get if you had the option?
  5. Have you watched all the Harry Potter movies and read all the books?
  6. Choose one:
  7. Choose one:
  8. Choose One:
  9. Choose One
  10. Choose One:

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Quiz topic: Which Hogwarts House am I REALLY in?????
