Which Hogwarts House Are You In?

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Avada Kedavra, Expelliarmus, Stupefy. We all want to go to Hogwarts, right. Here is your chance to find out...........................................

WHAT HOUSE WOULD YOU BE IN! GRYFFINDOR, SLYTHERIN, RAVENCLAW OR HUFFLEPUFF! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!1!

Created by: Francesco
  1. Which is your favourite colour?
  2. Which one are you?
  3. How many friends do you have?
  4. You're being bullied and the bullies won't leave you alone. What do you do?
  5. Pick a candy.
  6. Pick your favourite:
  7. Pick a pet:
  8. Where`s the mistake: I want go to the park.
  9. Who`s from where: Hulk Superman Aquaman SpiderMan
  10. Which house do you think that you`re in.

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Quiz topic: Which Hogwarts House am I In?