which Hogwarts House are you destined to live in????

Heyyyyyyy welcome to my quiz! I hope this helps you find out your house! If not, tell me how I can improve this plz plz plz, and dont forget to have fun. Thanks! :)

Be sure to think before you mark a question. this quiz is Harry Potter only, nothing else. This quiz is to help you to find your place in the story. Good luck!

Created by: Allia
  1. You are chosen to journey on a path, which way do you go?
  2. Vanilla or Chocolate?
  3. Cold or Heat?
  4. Date or not?
  5. choose a weapon to fight evil with
  6. What do you wear out of the house?
  7. Favorite food?
  8. Who is your arch nemesis?
  9. Lastly, what is your greatest fear?
  10. Whoops forgot: Like this quiz or not? Comment plz plz plz

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Quiz topic: Which Hogwarts House am I destined to live in????
