Which Hogwarts House Are You?

Hello, I decided to create my own Hogwarts Quiz, you can use this one to decide which house you might be.I wanted there to be another quiz I could take, because I couldn't decide between two different houses.

When I took this quiz, I got Slytherin, anyway that's enough abouut me, It's your turn to take the quiz not mine!Have Fun and best wishes to you, I hope you could the house you want.

Created by: Amarok
  1. Which do you prefer?
  2. Which pet would you bring to Hogwarts?
  3. Night Or Day?
  4. Which of the following would you most hate people to call you?
  5. How would you like to be known to history?
  6. Which would you rather be:
  7. Left Or Right
  8. Are you more of a rebel, a leader, or a follower?
  9. Where would you rather be?
  10. If you had to choose between the Death Eaters, and the Order of the Phoenix, which would you Choose?
  11. Choose wisely
  12. If you had to choose, which would you pick?
  13. If you had to pick, which house would you prefer?

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Quiz topic: Which Hogwarts House am I?
