Which Hogwarts House are you?

How many people wish to just see what House the Sorting Hat might assign to you? Now with this fan-made quiz you can see exactly which House you may get.

This quiz determines your House through your own opinion, meaning if you lie about your answer, you might as well just not take the quiz. Tell the truth and you will find exactly which Hogwarts House suits you.

Created by: Max

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Which subject interests you the most?
  2. What animal would your patronus be?
  3. Which professor do you prefer?
  4. What would your friends describe you as?
  5. Who acts as you best?
  6. What's a good life lesson
  7. Who would your best friends be?
  8. Which is your favorite color?
  9. Who may be a friend of your parents?
  10. FINALLY- If you want a House by cheating, click the House you want. Otherwise continue with the 'Never mind' button

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Quiz topic: Which Hogwarts House am I?