Which Hogwarts boy stole your virginity (Clean)

This quiz is Clean. there is a little story with it but nothing more then kissing. I don't want this quiz reported and i dont want to offend anyon so i made sure it was clean. they only allow up to 600 characters so thats why the stories have poor grammer and are so short.

this is just a fun quiz i thought of. i don't know why i thought of it but i thought others might like it. we all have secert crushes on harry potter characters so i thought why not.

Created by: CelPotterHead109
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which house are you in?
  2. What would happen if you got pregnant?
  3. Which boy do you want it to be?
  4. Role play. Your in the common room studying when Fred hugs you from behind. you?
  5. Role Play. Ron sit's next to you and starts telling you how he has never kissed a girl before. you?
  6. Role play. Harry tells you he is so happy he kissed Ginny. you?
  7. Role Play. Oliver ask you to play let's hide the golden snitch and find it with our mouths. you?
  8. Role play. Seamus just walks in and says "you light a fire in my pants" you?
  9. Role play. Draco ask you to go skinny dipping with him in the black lake you say?
  10. I know your in Gryffindor but can I slytherin?

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Quiz topic: Which Hogwarts boy stole my virginity (Clean)