Which high school stereotype are you

This isnt meant to be taken seriously it's a joke. Please dont be offended if you get the one you didnt want or whatever this is a joke and not to be taken seriously.

I hope you have fun. This is meant to be a fun quiz you can do and to show your friends who you fit in with or whatever anyway I hope you have fun and uhh yeah.

Created by: August
  1. Do you play sports if so which ones?
  2. Do you smoke?
  3. Are your grades good?
  4. Who do you fit in with
  5. Do you eat alone at lunch
  6. Do you go to basketball or football games?
  7. Do you do anyone else's homework?
  8. Can you cook
  9. Do you spend a lot of money?
  10. Are you ___ at/with the world

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Quiz topic: Which high school stereotype am I
