Which Heroes of olympus character are you

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Hello and its making me do one hundred fifty charaters so...........😀😍💁♥❤🙋👏😎👢👑😈😇😁😀😬😄😃😆😆😍😍😆😃😄😬😀😁😇😈👀💁♥❤🙋👏😎👢👑😑😭😑😷💙😱

I love percy jackson books they are my favorite they are ammazing i recomend them ten out of ten all the way. you will not be dissapointed. if you are... that is fine!

Created by: Annabeth
  1. Which power would you want the most
  2. what weapon do you want
  3. If you could choose one monster, and dispell itpermanently which one would you choose
  4. which camp would you go to
  5. if you had to choose your favorite drink, what would it be
  6. choose a god
  7. what is your favorite hobby
  8. what is your fatal flaw
  9. which is your favorite demigod
  10. choose a skill

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Quiz topic: Which Heroes of olympus character am I
