Which Heroes of Olympus Character are you?

There are party demigods, there are normal ones. Which one are you? Make sure you post it in the comments! Thanks for taking this quiz y'all PJO FANs.


Created by: Ben
Personality Test
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You go into a pizza parlor. You---
  2. Which do you prefer?
  3. Where would you rather spend your summer?
  4. Which show would you rather watch?
  5. When you graduate, what will you be known as?
  6. Favorite candy?
  7. Which one would be your mode of transportation?
  8. Favorite song?
  9. When would you get married?
  10. If you had one wish, what would it be?
  11. Your thoughts on this quiz.

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Quiz topic: Which Heroes of Olympus Character am I?