Which Harry Potter house are you in

In Harry Potter the sorting hat chooses what house you are in now I choose.

Are you good or evil find out now.

Created by: Cecily

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are the head of your houses quidich team and you lose the quidich game wat do you do?
  2. Do your friends know you as:
  3. Do you like hogworts?
  4. Do you like the other houses?
  5. Are you nice to people?
  6. What is your spirit animal?
  7. Do you like muggle school
  8. Are you a mud blood
  9. What house do you want to be in
  10. Last one. Do you like this quiz (this has know effect on the results)

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Quiz topic: Which Harry Potter house am I in