Which Harry Potter Character are you (roasty)

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i will most definitely roast you based on which character you are from the harry potter universe. hang tight cuz it is gonna hurt for sure. there is no pity for you here.

i do not know what to write here. but if you want to reach out, you can contact me from my twitter account @kookuli .i would be happy to meet people who came across my test and would like to hear your opinions on it either.

Created by: beyz
  1. Do you have an obsession with success?
  2. Which one are you interested in the most?
  3. Do you like to lead, or be leaded?
  4. which type of music do you like the most
  5. if you were to be an ethnicity, which one would you be?
  6. you are trying to sleep and you hear footsteps coming towards your room and they stop right at the door. What do you do?
  7. do you sometimes believe vampires are real?
  8. do you think you are attractive?
  9. are you smart?
  10. how obsessive can you be about something?

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Quiz topic: Which Harry Potter Character am I (roasty)
