Which Harry Potter Character Are You?

There are many Characters in Harry Potter, and some like Lucius Malfoy, are cold and cruel while some like Harry Potter are warm and kind. We all love that man with the lightning scar, and his friends. We also wonder what kind of person, in Harry Potter are we. People look in the mirror, and see themselves, knowing what kind of people they are and wondering what will they become. Are they good? Or bad? Or just neutral?

What kind of Harry Potter character are you? Will you be the cruel? The kind? Or the innocent? You are surely either one; the survivor, or the ones who sacrificed their own blood, for others that are worthy: Are worth for. Would you want to know whether you are the right, or wrong? You can find out, right here, in this very quiz. Just answer some questions, and you will have your answer faster then you can dissaparate. Good luck!

Created by: Sophia Paver
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which creature do you prefer?
  2. How did you feel when Death Eaters arrived on the Hogwarts Express?
  3. How are you treated at your home?
  4. Did someone in your family die?
  5. What do you want most?
  6. What kind of enemy would you have?
  7. Were you ever betrayed in life?
  8. Do you like power?
  9. Pretend you are making a potion. How would you feel if you worked on it for so long, such as many months or years, and when you give it to the person, they say, ''Eww, I'm not drinking this, make it again!''
  10. You were on the run for 6 years. Your the most wanted person in the world. (This is during the Deathly Hallows part 1.) You swam across 3 oceans, flew away from Malfoy Manor on a Thestral, barely escaped 50 death eaters, and saved your best friend from Voldemort and Fiendfire. You are no longer on the run. All of a sudden, your best friend double crosses you and tells Bellatrix where you are. Your best friend then became a death eater. You narrowly escaped by riding a dragon and even though you finally, after 6 long years, came out of hiding, had to go back into hiding. How would you feel?
  11. How did you feel when Voldemort died?
  12. What kind of enemy would you have?

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Quiz topic: Which Harry Potter Character am I?