Which Harry Potter character are you?

Some people are brave. Some people are cowardly. Some people are kind. Some people are evil. All of these people are in Harry Potter. Which one are YOU?

You could be the cowardly one though you don't admit it. You could be the brave one but you are too modest to say so. Which one ARE you? For all you know you could be Lord Voldemort!

Created by: Molly Nolan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Why are you excited to start Hogwarts?
  2. What would your favourite subject be?
  3. Somebody was going to kill your family. What do you do?
  4. Someone tells a killer where your family are. You...
  5. You look for ??? In a friend
  6. You dream about...
  7. Your worst fear is...
  8. Your favourite place to go is...
  9. At dinner time you...
  10. When you die you would like to be remembered as the.....

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Quiz topic: Which Harry Potter character am I?