Which Harry Potter character are you?

Harry Potter is a wonderful collection of movies and books. They are full of action, mystery, suspense, and wonderful, wonderful characters. There are amazing heroes, and evil villains.

So which character are you? There are so many that you could be. This quiz has the most popular results, and I tried to make it short and accurate. You could be one of the brave heroes, or the Dark Lord himself. Enjoy!

Created by: Stardust1
  1. What are your hobbies?
  2. What house are you in?
  3. Do you show your emotions easily?
  4. What are you afraid of?
  5. Would you ever kill a person?
  6. Are you book-smart?
  7. What would be your favorite thing to learn at Hogwarts?
  8. If your friend is going through something rough, how are you likely to comfort them?
  9. Are you good at lying?
  10. What's your best quality out of these?

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Quiz topic: Which Harry Potter character am I?
