Which Hair Style Are You?

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GIRLS ONLY! Sorry boys but this is for the ladies :-) If you want to know which hairstyle you are ladies then take this quiz, You will probably enjoy this quiz.

The quiz name was supposed to be which hairstyle suits you but I gotoquiz won't let me change it :/ :/ :/ I hope you enjoy taking this quiz if you don't then I am very sorry.

Created by: Babymj5
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Favourite Singer?
  2. Hair Colour?
  3. How long is your hair?
  4. Favourite Celebrity Hairstyle?
  5. Which hairstyle is more better?
  6. How do you usually do your hair?
  7. Favourite Hair Tutorial Youtuber?
  8. How often do you wash your hair?
  9. Thanks for taking this quiz!
  10. LAST QUESTION! Why did you take this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which Hair Style am I?