Which H2O: Just Add Water Mermaid Are You?

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What h2o just add water mermaid are you? Are you Cleo, Rikki, Bella, Emma, or Charlotte? Take this personality quiz to find out which mermaid best fits your personality!

Please note that all images on this quiz were found online. Please ban copyrighted material! Give credit to images you didn't take like I did. If you are not sure where the image came from, just say you got it online. Credit is important!

Created by: Skye Diamond
  1. Choose your dream job.
  2. Choose an animal.
  3. Time to go to the movies! What genre do you choose?
  4. What sounds like a good breakfast?
  5. You are at your favorite juice bar. What will you order?
  6. If you had to go to college, what college would you choose?
  7. If you could act in any of these movies, what would you choose?
  8. What animal are you afraid of?
  9. Where is your dream vacay?
  10. Finally, what is your favorite color?

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Quiz topic: Which H2O: Just Add Water Mermaid am I?
