Which Guys and Dolls Character Are You??

Who are you from the classic musical *drumroll* GUYS AND DOLLS! Take this quiz to find out! Whether you just watched the movie, or you are an actor wondering if you are REALLY your character, this quiz is for you!

Are you Sky Masterson (Obediah, hehe), Sarah Brown (I am a piece of metal), Nathan Detroit (Nathan x50), Adelaide (gimme dem tissues!) , Nicely Nicely (SIT DOWN), or Benny Southstreet (the only sane one)?

Created by: Obediah
  1. What is your best trait?
  2. What is your worst trait?
  3. Cheesecake or Strudel?
  4. Where would you like to spend your night?
  5. Would you join the Salvation Army (or any charity)?
  6. What is your opinion on friends?
  7. Are you considered a trouble maker?
  8. Who would you date?
  9. Which Guys and Dolls Character would you befriend?
  10. Have you watched/performed in Guys and Dolls? (No affect on answer)

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Quiz topic: Which Guys and Dolls Character am I??
