Which guy is the right one 4 u

There are alot of guys who are sweet but not as sweet as these boys. Which one would you go out with the longest. Who knows only me.This quiz gives sweet results

Do you have the same traits as these super cute and hott boys have. If you think you do then take this quiz to find out which one would date you. This quiz is surprising and really fun.

Created by: Gina

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. whats yor favorite sport?
  2. Sorry :( pick your favorite color
  3. what type of clothing do u like
  4. If you had to choose what your girlfriend was like which one of these would it be. Sorry if you are a girl
  5. pick one
  6. Which one sounds best
  7. what do you want your guy to be
  8. pick which one is best
  9. what happens when you get hurt
  10. click

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