Which Guy From Merlin BBC Is Attracted To You?

Raise your hand if you ship yourself with either Arthur, Merlin, or The Knights Of The Round Table from Merlin BBC. *Raises hand* However I do ship Merlin with Arthur.

Who do you ship everyone with? I ship Merthur, Percaine, and Gwencelot(I don't ship Leon or Elyan with anyone). Then again, Freylin is also adorable! =)

Created by: Merthur_is_forever
  1. What color are his eyes?
  2. What is his hair color?
  3. Who do you ship them with?
  4. Who do you hope to get?
  5. Would you like them to be a KOTRT(Knight Of The Round Table) or royalty?
  6. What is their favorite animal?
  7. What weapon do they use in battle?
  8. What is their favorite color?
  9. What is your gender?
  10. I hope you enjoyed this quiz, now before you go, what is their favorite subject in school if they had school.

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