Which group member are you?

Most people have a small group of close friends or a large group of all their friends. Most of the time, there is a "pecking order" in the groups. Everybody knows without people saying out loud

Where are you in the list? Are you the irrational First type of Leader, the just Second Type of Leader, the second in command, the funny Important Member, or the insignificant Last in Command

Created by: Nobody

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Somebody in your group challenges something you have just said. You...
  2. How many times have you told somebody something like: "You're not important, I hate you, You're stupid, etc,"
  3. Which of these do you want most?
  4. You have a new friend. You...
  5. How often do you gossip about someone or just talk about them behind their back.
  6. When you hear the word bird, what do you think of?
  7. How often do you complain; be honest.
  8. I can't think of anymore questions...
  9. Kgdjtdjgckckgc
  10. This is the last question.

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Quiz topic: Which group member am I?