Which Grange Hill character are you?

So, you've seen Grange Hill, and seen some great people and some jerk ofs. Well today we are going to test you to find out which character you are ( from series 1 and 2 )

So, are you the mischievous Tucker Jenkins? Or are you poor Benny Green? We hope your not stupid Michael Doyle. Well, we'll test you and then you will find out who you are ?

Created by: Jenkins and Green

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Would you say you are popular or unpopular?
  2. Are you a nice person?
  3. Are you sporty ?
  4. In terms of behaviour, what would you rate ?
  5. What would you say your teachers review of you will be in your report?
  6. How many friends do you have?
  7. What Level did you get in your sats ?
  8. Who do you WANT to be ?
  9. Who do you think you'll be?
  10. Right, well submit your details. I'll say which character you are?

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Quiz topic: Which Grange Hill character am I?