which GOT woman you look like?

I can tell you who you really are. I studied at university just to tell you that. Believe me or not it's truly correct. So just fill the test. Right now.

Sansa Cersei Arya Daenerys This test just show you who you are in training people. Not how you think. If you think the result is wrong just mail me. Robertsnow At Gmail

Created by: jonsnow1234567890
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When you get in trouble, what do you do??
  2. When a friend asks to borrow money?
  3. You're people are starving. What do you do?
  4. I can be a good ...
  5. Your favorite house?
  6. Who should be king?
  7. Jaime should marry ...
  8. Which god?
  9. Your favorite weapon is ....
  10. DO you CARE about the test's result?

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