Which Gorillaz member are you?

This is a quiz that knows which Gorillaz member you are most like! If you have common things with your favorites, please let me know in the comments!!

Thanks for choosing this quiz! Would you believe me if I told you that I can know which Gorillaz member you are most like? Just trust me and take the quiz. Go on, I'm waiting >:)

Created by: MMN! The g boi
  1. If you were an animal, what animal would you be?
  2. What instrument are you most likely to play?
  3. Which one are you in the band?
  4. How often do people think you're a ray of sunshine?
  5. Are you tall?
  6. Do you like animals?
  7. What's your favorite food?
  8. Favorite movie?
  9. Are you afraid of spiders?
  10. Do you believe in ghosts?

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Quiz topic: Which Gorillaz member am I?
