Which Goddess Girl are you?

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This is where you find out who and what Kind of Goddess are you! You can be 1/4 Goddess Girls. If you Like the Goddess Girls Series Of books then you will love this Quiz!

In this Quiz You will learn who to be Aphrodite the Goddess of love or Athena The Goddess of Wisdom Or Maybe Artemis The Goddess of The Hunt/The Moon Or Persephone The Goddess Of Spring.

Created by: pen
  1. What is your Favorite Color?
  2. What is your favorite character?
  3. Would you rather?
  4. Time to Make an invention!
  5. My favorite animal is a...
  6. I AM!
  7. Who are you?
  8. I like to do...
  9. Choose a symbol
  10. What Class would you take

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Quiz topic: Which Goddess Girl am I?
