Which Glader Is Yours?

Have you ever wondered who your boyfriend in the glade would be? The glade is a place created by James Dashner and is a wild and adventerous place that only the most daring will step foot into!

I assume you have wondered before and I myself has as well, so if you finally want the answer, just take this quiz! If you want your result to be true, pick the answers that most relate to you!

Created by: Kloey Murphey

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your personality?
  2. If you had 24 hours alone with him, what would you want to do?
  3. What would he compliment you about?
  4. If you got into a big fight, what would it most likely be about?
  5. If you had a horrible nightmare and woke up screaming, what would he do?
  6. What type of video games would you two play together?
  7. What would your worst pet-peave about him be?
  8. Who is your role model?
  9. If you could describe yourself only using one word, what would it be?
  10. If you were put into one of the three books in the maze runner series, which would it be?

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Quiz topic: Which Glader Is mys?