Which Girl Meets World Character Are You: Riley or Maya?

Girl Meets Word is a TV show on Disney channel about life lessons and friendship and it is a spin-off series to Boy Meets World. GMW is a show that prepares you for life's ups and downs.

Riley Matthews and Maya Hart are two totally different people and yet that's what makes us envy their friendship. Some may consider them two halves of one. Which half of the duo are you?

Created by: H.R
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your best friend is noticeably upset but won't open up to you and insists everything is fine. You...
  2. You and your best friend both like the same guy. How do you handle it?
  3. Now, enough with the scenarios. What describes you most out of these?
  4. Your wardrobe mainly consists of...
  5. What do you hope for in life?
  6. I know this is on almost every quiz, but it is about personality and likes/dislikes right? Favorite colour/colours?
  7. Describe your family situation...
  8. Despite question 5, use one of these words that will describe or is close enough to describing you...
  9. What is something you do for fun? (Besides being with your best friend)
  10. Pick a word that describes how you think or feel/believe about the world. When it comes to that topic your...

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Quiz topic: Which Girl Meets World Character am I: Riley or Maya?