which gintama character are you ?

Gintama is full of wonderful weird and crazy characters that are unique in different ways kagura - pick nose - aru ? * ...* gintoki * reads jump ignoring me * hijikata; oi you there ...* okita shoot him from behind * die basterd , takasugi : shut up all of you all or I'll destroy you with this rotten world * otae appears * ah everyone is here ...* everyone look at her * good I brought some food * show up food with dark aura around it * - sweat drop - * everyone run away * me : ah ano ...* run * oi wait for me !!
Do you wonder what character would you be in Gintama ?? Take this quiz and let's figure it out together Shall we :) otae * smile * I'll Give you all some of my cooking to taste * everyone disappear * me noooo !!