Which Giant Numberjacks Boss Fight are you?

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Which giant numberjacks boss fight are you? Take this 13 question survey and see which one fits your personality the most for that matter of truth for this?

Which one of the numberjacks giant boss fights vs the problem blob are you? Take this survey and see which one fits your personality the most? Do you want to play as a giant boss in math? Go ahead, take this survey and see what you got?

Created by: Jeremy Carcaterra
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. Are you an animal?
  4. Is your favorite letter I?
  5. What is your favorite sight word?
  6. Are you made for preschoolers?
  7. Are you a video game character?
  8. Do you originate in the 1980s?
  9. What color are your eyes?
  10. Are you a vehicle?
  11. Are you British?
  12. Do you have a tail?
  13. What is your place?

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Quiz topic: Which Giant Numberjacks Boss Fight am I?
