Which gamma monster are you

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Welcome to the Gamma Radiation Lab where you get turned into a monster so now you have to take a simple quiz and find out your answer so go a head and read that final paragraph for one simple warning

But be careful you might get to savage you could turn into the Incredible Hulk or something so becareful please and don't hurt me when you get out ok.

Created by: Brayden
  1. What is your gender
  2. If you were a gamma monster would you control your anger
  3. Would your come off
  4. You became angry and transformed what did you do
  5. Who is your enemy
  6. You transformed and for the first time what happened
  7. How did you get your powers
  8. Someone is calming you down who is it
  9. Who would you team up with
  10. Are you ready

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Quiz topic: Which gamma monster am I
