Which Game Matches Your Life

if you are a gamer take this quiz and found out which game matches your life will the game be badass, fun and cool found out

gamers you will find out the which game matches your life it is out of sonic, gta, halo, Mario and assassins creed good luck with the quiz

Created by: michael saunders
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you were in a game what would you be
  2. what is your fantasy?
  3. if someone needed help what would you do?
  4. If you were saving the world would you
  5. where would you like a base
  6. if you were offered a million dollars would you
  7. where you like to live
  8. what weapon would you like
  9. what would like as transportation?
  10. if you had to have slogan what kind of slogan would have you have

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Quiz topic: Which Game Matches my Life