Which Frozen character are you the opposite of?

Frozen is a highly popular 2013 Disney animated film. There are many quizzes about finding out which Frozen character you are, but this quiz is about who you are the opposite of.


Created by: The duke
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which Frozen character did you hate the most?
  2. Do you act like a girl?
  3. Are you a human?
  4. Do you like to sing?
  5. Do you act kind to people?
  6. Are you evil?
  7. Which would you never be?
  8. Would you ever muder anybody?
  9. Did you like Frozen?
  10. Did you like my favorite Frozen character, the duke of Weselton?

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Quiz topic: Which Frozen character am I the opposite of?