Which Frozen Character Are You?

Hello, my screen name is Taylorloveswarriors!!!, but you can just call me Spottedleaf. So.....I really hope that you get someone that you want.

You can be Anna, Elsa, Olaf, Sven, Hans, or Kristof. I hope that you can be whomever you want other wise I'm in trouble..........

Created by: Taylorloveswarriors!!!!
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's your fav. color?
  2. If you could be an animal, which would you be?? :3
  3. What's your fav. season?
  4. Would you rather....
  5. Which temperature do you prefer?
  6. Who's your fav. Frozen character?
  7. Disneyland trivia!: When was the roller coaster ride, Thunder Mountain Railroad, made?
  8. What do you normally do?
  9. Do you read a lot?
  10. *Last question, obviously* So, how did you like this? Yes, THIS WILL COUNT.

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Quiz topic: Which Frozen Character am I?