Which frowning critter are you

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This is just a fun thing for you to do so don't worry about what you get because this is all just for fun and kicks and giggles so please do enjoy your quiz.


Created by: Skybluefoxtail
  1. So you want to find out which frowning critter you are
  2. So what's your fav thing to do on your free time
  3. Ok so you're outside with your friends and you want to get a drink what do you go and get?
  4. How do you feel at any time in the day
  5. what do you do first thing in the morning
  6. You're watching a movie what do you have with you or feel
  7. Do you sleep at night
  8. How would you react to others
  9. pick 1
  10. n/a

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Quiz topic: Which frowning critter am I
