Which friend are you? Tommy or Tubbo

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What friend are you? Tubbo or Tommy. This quiz will help you find out if you are the loud, bossy, quiet or silly friend. I made this because I am very bored so it might not be very accurate.

Don’t take this quiz personally or serious because I don’t believe that the results will be correct but they could be, it just depends. Sorry if this is offends you in any way.

Created by: Ash
  1. If you died, how would you feel?
  2. What is your favourite animal?
  3. Do you love women??
  4. Are you the loud or quiet friend?
  5. Are you an introvert or extrovert?
  6. Who do you prefer? (Doesn’t effect results)
  7. Which do you prefer?
  8. Who are you in the friend group?
  9. Do people ignore you a lot or think you are dumb?
  10. Did you enjoy this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which friend am I? Tommy or Tubbo
