Which friend are you??

I will be asking questions based on which friend you are!💕The answers you pick will define your answer (please answer truthfully tho if you want an accurate answer)

Also this quiz is fully based on my opinion of what “friends” quality’s are so don’t come at me !! I hope it’s as accurate as possible !!!! So please enjoy💕

Created by: isla
  1. what is your favourite season?
  2. which place would you like to go?
  3. If your friend was getting bullied what would you do?
  4. earrings or necklaces?
  5. Favourite Holiday?
  6. what you look for in a friend?
  7. what do you not look for in a friend
  8. Lip gloss or lip stick
  9. what are you doing on a Saturday?
  10. Lastly Cats or Dogs?

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Quiz topic: Which friend am I??
