Which Friend are You?

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Are you a good friend? This is a fun quiz to find out what kind of friend you are. It's just for fun and has no real value to anything. Frankly, it is just a way to waste a few minutes of your life.

This quiz will ask you extremely decisive and intricate questions that will narrowly and precisely identify what kind of friend you are. Please read the questions thoroughly and answer honestly.

Created by: J Daddy
  1. You're out hiking in the woods and you have to use the restroom and have no TP. Which of the following do you do?
  2. You're at a party and your friend is completely trashed, on top of the coffee table performing a strip tease. Which of the following do you do?
  3. You friend decides to buy at pet monkey named Marcel that humps everything in site. What actions do you take?
  4. It's your friend birthday and you're out to eat in celebration, which of the following do you do?
  5. You and your friend are on a trip to Vegas, which of the following do you do?
  6. You and your friend are at the beach in sunny Daytona, what do you do?
  7. Your at the movies with you friend, which of the following is something you would do?
  8. You're in class with you friend, which of the following would you do?
  9. You and your friend are on a road trip, where do you go?
  10. You're making a meal for you friend, what do you make?

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Quiz topic: Which Friend am I? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Friendship Quiz category.
