which fox are you?

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In this quiz you will find out what kind of fox you are including a special fox i added in that i am! Remember to tell your friends about this awesome quiz

Your probably wondering: Hmmm im not so sure what kind of fox i am. Well guess what?! YOUR ABOUT TO FIND OUT. tell your friends as well. and be happy with the fox you get

Created by: FeistyFox13
  1. What is your favorite food?
  2. What is your favorite animal?
  3. if you were trapped in a box what would you do to get out?
  4. what is your favorite color
  5. how crazy are you about foxes?
  6. if you could eat one candy for the rest of your life what would it be?
  7. how crazy are you about chapstick?
  8. have you read the book FoxCraft?
  9. what sound could you make if you were an animal?
  10. what were you for halloween?

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Quiz topic: Which fox am I?